If you are considering an OSR product or service for your organization or would like additional information about any of our offerings, we’d certainly like to hear from you. We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions, discuss your requirements or assist you in any way we can in making an informed decision to work with OSR.

Worldwide Headquarters
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.
889 Elm Street, 6th Floor
Manchester, New Hampshire 03101 USA
Telephone:+1 603 595 6500
Fax:+1 603 595 6503
(GMT-05:00 Eastern Standard Time US & Canada)
General Information: info at osr.com
Sales Department: sales at osr.com
Seminar Info & Registration: seminars at osr.com
Accounting Department: acctg at osr.com
Jobs Inquiries & Recruiting: recruiting at osr.com
Web Site Help/Feedback: webmaster at osr.com